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There have been some of you out there who have asked, 'Are you serious with all of this Elvis stuff? Do you really think he is your saviour?' My answer is an unequivical yes. I explained this to Boopee, Hamilton and Lovebug last night.
When I listen to Elvis, or when I see him perform in one of his concert films, I get a feeling inside of me which goes beyond being entertained. I almost feel as though as I am in one of those big tent religious revivals of yesteryear. I put my hands in the air and I dance. I feel as though I've slipped prozac. I do everything but speak in tongues.
In the first Elvis In Space, Stevie, Robot Charlie Hodge and Elvis make their way through a dangerous asteroid belt so that the King can find his Momma. Elvis asks the Robot, 'What are the odds of making are way through this asteroid belt?'
The Robot answers, 'A million, billion to one.'
Elvis responds, 'As long as I have one shot, I'm raring to go.'
This is what Elvis means to me. He is someone who beat the odds. He is someone that changed our society. He is the American dream. Elvis' spirit gives me hope. Elvis allows me to dream.
Speaking of which, my fellow SUEers, I had a dream last night. I guess all this talk of Elvis and spirituality released something in me: Elvis made a visit to me last night. It was all very exciting. My head was resting on his lap, and he was rubbing my bald head. He was wearing Brut (his favorite) and he was singing, A Pocket Full of Rainbows (my favorite).
'Rev,' he said to me, 'I - I appreciate what you're doing. And I'll guide you through these difficult times when people might laugh at you. They laughed at me too.'
I looked up at him and he smiled.
'Your next assignment is to get me some followers, I'm a spirit that moves, not a corporation - Amen.'
'Amen' I said. Then Elvis disappeared and then I was being chased through the sky by a bald woman (I guess some sort of test).
But there you have it! Come one, come all - join SUE today.
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