elvischrist: THE FUTURE OF SUE

Monday, May 01, 2006


Check out the other Elvis paintings by Naoki Mitsuse here.
I plan this month to start a congregation through the Universal Life Church. SUE will be a real life religious body, with yours truly as head pastor. Elvis and his music has not only brought me joy and entertainment, but has provided me with deep spirituality. I've listened to Elvis since I was four years old. I used to listen to his version of "You Were Always On My Mind" and think he was singing directly to me. (There's a part in this song where it sounds as though he's singing, "Jer-er-emy." Others have attested to this strange fact.) For years I would sing in front of the mirror, pretending I was him.

When I was eight, I visited Graceland for the first and only time. My world had changed - and I started to believe in the power of Elvis. It was like I had traveled to Mecca. In 2000, I had a dream in which Elvis was on the moon and he announced to the world he was coming home to save us. Thus began my endeavor with a space opera set to the music of Elvis, The Thrilling Adventures of Elvis in Space.

I firmly believe Elvis has reached a level in our society where he has evolved beyond the role of "just an entertainer." For many of us, he really is our saviour. He has uplifted us in hard times, has carried us along the more joyous occasions. Moses had the burning bush, I had a dream of Elvis on the moon - who's crazier?

It is my goal to firmly establish SUE as a legitimate spiritual establishment where people are free to worship Elvis in any way, shape, or form that they see fit without interference from the Elvis estate.


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