elvischrist: Infringed

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Dear Jeremy Jorgenson,

Thank you for contacting CafePress.com!

Your use of the name and likeness of Elvis Presley for commercial advantage is problematic as your use may potentially infringe on the Elvis Presley's estate's Right of Publicity.

As outlined in our Intellectual Property Rights FAQ's, the Right of Publicity clause makes it unlawful to use another's identity for commercial advantage without permission. A person's "identity" includes, for example, his look, voice, name, nickname, professional name, and other distinctive characteristics. For example, the Right of Publicity prohibits you using the picture of a celebrity without authorization on your merchandise.

Accordingly, we have set the images in question to "pending status" which disables said content from being displayed in your shop or purchased by the public. You may review the content set to pending status by logging into your CafePress.com account and clicking on the "Media Basket" link. The content set to pending status will be highlighted red.

We apologize for any inconvenience that our actions may cause you.

Best Regards,

Michael M.
Content Usage Associate


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